Ben Kapilow

Ben is a musician who wears many hats, and wanted to showcase his compositions, teaching, and music directing. I created a website that categorized these individual roles, while also connecting them with internal links, creating a holistic image of his musicianship.

Branded elements of moody grey, black, and blue, and authoritative fonts echo throughout, even in customized audio players— perfect for a composer that wants to stand out!

Personalized templates make it easy to update this site as Ben adds more projects, receives more press, and expands his offerings as a teacher.

I also developed the framework for Ben to seamlessly and independently post podcast episodes of his podcast "All Keyed Up" to Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and an RSS feed using SquareSpace, and designed the list page and individual pages for posts.

These pages give listeners a chance to download episodes, view PDFs associated with the episode, and learn more information about guest speakers.

This site includes custom code and email collection.

Designed October 2020